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Economics IT


ArcGIS Online

Cambridge has a Site Licence to the ArcGIS software.  You will be able to log in automatically using your email address by clicking the link below and selecting University of Cambridge. Users will be admitted to the software immediately and their account will be established as member role Researcher, which gives each user all of the relevant licenses except Street-map Premium North America.

Go to

Click the "University of Cambridge" button

Login (if asked) with your Cambridge Microsoft Account.


Offline Use

Should you need to work with ArcGIS Offline the above process will still need to be followed but once you have an ArcGIS Online account we can provide you with the instructions to allow Offline working.

How to Set Up Offline Working In ArcGIS:

If the university has already provided an ArcGIS Online account, please login to the account and download ArcGIS Pro by following these steps:

1.Click your profile in the upper right hand corner

  1. My settings
  2. Licenses
  3. Download ArcGIS Pro

Once downloaded and installed, licence your instance by signing in with your ArcGIS Online credentials. To use ArcGIS Pro offline, You will need to borrow the license for offline use:

  1. Settings
  2. Licensing
  3. Authorize ArcGIS Pro to work offline

Please note that if you want to use your license on another machine you will need to return your license.


You can find more information about Named user licenses and offline use here:

If you need any help don’t hesitate to contact